All students under the age of 18 must be enrolled by a parent or legal guardian. An appointment with the school needs to be made beforehand. These enrolments are carried out by members of the Administration team.
Year 7 students from feeder primary schools are enrolled during Term 3 and a Parent Information Night is held early in Term 4.
Before commencing the enrolment process, please check if you reside in the Kilcoy State High School catchment area. If you reside in catchment, please follow the In Catchment enrolment process. If you reside outside of catchment, please follow the Out of Catchment enrolment process. Also note the exemptions to "Out of Catchment' process.
All new enrolments will have an interview with the Principal or Deputy Principal prior to enrolment. Each student must supply a copy of the following documents during the interview:
Birth Certificate
Most recent report card
Passport / Visa documents (if relevant)
enrolment package
Completed relevant Catchment document
Enrolment Process
- Enrolment packages are available from the school administration or online. Please complete, sign and attach all required documentation before returning to the school for processing. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- Enrolment interviews are held regularly. The interview process lasts approximately 30 - 60 minutes and consists of:
- An individual interview with a Deputy Principal.
- Subject selection process.
- Finance arrangements.
- Uniforms.
- Students generally commence school soon after the interview.
Please contact the school for further information and to arrange an appointment.