Kilcoy State High School is a small rural high school located in the town of Kilcoy, approximately 100 kilometres north-west of the Brisbane CBD. We currently offer classes from Year 7 through to Year 12.
Kilcoy State High School’s motto is “Success with Honour” and this appropriately represents the values of the school and the school community. The school is the leader in education in the Kilcoy/Woodford area.
At Kilcoy High State High School our focus is on learning and we pride ourselves on providing this in a caring and supportive environment. Key messages to the school community include:
Every Day – Every Minute – Every day and every minute at school counts. Attendance at school and participation in learning are essential to a successful future.
High expectations and high Standards – High expectations of behaviour both at school and in the community and high standards in school work including classwork, homework and assessment.
Our school values are the stepping stones that guide our
students in their thoughts and actions and instil the essence of that which
makes us unique. These values form the
very heart of our school culture, students at Kilcoy State High are PEPAR:
Prepared – We all arrive at class on time, with all equipment required to complete the lesson and with a positive frame of mind ready to engage in the learning program for the day.
Engaged – We focus on our learning and involve ourselves by listening, asking questions and participating in the lesson.
Performing – We are recognised as individuals with our own personal skills and abilities. We are expected to utilise these skills and abilities to the upper limit, so that our potential is maximised.
Aspiring – We look forward to a successful future, and strive to develop a positive image of our future lives.
Responsible – We take responsibility for learning outcomes. We recognise what it means to be successful and should be able to put into place actions to ensure the future likelihood of success.
Current enrolment
As of the start of the current school year we have approximately 400 students, 180 in Years 7 to 9 and 220 students in years 10 to 12.
Teaching and support staff
At Kilcoy State High we have 37 teaching staff and 26 support staff available to assist students in their learning. Our teaching staff comprises a blend of both experienced and beginning teachers, all of whom are specialists in their particular teaching areas. Thorough planning and negotiation by our school administrators has resulted in the clear alignment between the subjects offered at the school and the areas of expertise of the teaching staff.
Support staff work both in the administration of the school and more importantly in the classrooms, providing direct support to those students with identified learning needs.
Subject offerings
Kilcoy State High School strives to offer the widest range of subjects it can. Subject choice may differ from year to year depending on student need and staff speciality. For students wishing to study a subject not offered by the school, alternative arrangements can be made where possible through the Brisbane School of Distance Education.
Kilcoy State High School continually goes through a process of reflection and improvement. The improvement agenda for 2015 has identified the following priorities:
Continued implementation of whole school Literacy and Numeracy programs to ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed.
Continued work to improve Year 12 learning outcomes including identifying and providing pathways based on student need.
Continued implementation of the schools Pedagogical Framework focussing on teacher practice and performance development.
For more detail please download the 2021 School priorities (PDF, 699 KB) and Kilcoy State High School's whole school roadmap (PDF, 520 KB).